Friday, April 13, 2007

I have come to the conclusion that there are an awful lot of acronyms in my life. I shall provide you with an inconclusive list of what I could come up with right now...1

  • BSG: Brussels Studentengenootschap
  • CB: Corporatio Bruxellensis (en ook een beetje 'Cantus Bruxellensis')
  • ECCO: Evolution, Complexity and Cognition
  • FA: Folklore Academie
  • JoM-EMIT: Journal of Memetics-Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
  • OVC: Ordre des Vieux Cons
  • SWAMP: Society of Weird And Mad People
  • SWIJ: Sectie Wijsbegeerte
  • TALK: Taal- en LetterKunde
  • VUB: Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • VZV: Vrijzinnig Zangfeest van Vlaanderen

1: I only mention organisations and acronyms that I frequently encounter or of which I am still an 'active' member. This does not mean that I would not respect any other organisations not mentioned. If you feel like your organisation is left out, please contact me and I'll consider adding you to the list.